All Improtant FAQ'S in Java & J2EE
1)What is static variable.
2)What is transient variable.
3)What is final variable.
4)What is final method.
5)What is native method.
6)What is abstract method
7)What is innerclass.
8)What is static class.
9)What is final class.
10)What is anonymous class.
11)What is casting.
12)What are wrapper classes.
13)What is Singleton class.
14)What is JVM.
15)What is JNI.
16)What is JAR file.
17)What is garbage collection.
18)What is Socket. How will you create a connection.
19)What is ServerSocket. How will you create a connection.
20)What is DatagramSocket.How will you create a connection.
21)What is Synchronisation in threads.
22)What is Collection.
23)What is JavaMail.
24)What is Serialization and Deserialization.
25)What is the life cycle of an applet.
26)What is Reflection. Uses of Reflection.
27)What is the purpose of finalisation.
28)What is the functionality of try, catch and finally blocks (*)
29)What is the difference between Abstract class and Interface. (*)
30)What is the difference between overloading and overriding.
31)What is the difference between Hashmap and Hashtable. (*)
32)What is the difference between Vector, Array and Arraylist. (*)
33)What is the difference between final, finally and finalized. (*)
34)What is the difference between String and StringBuffer. (*)
35)What is the difference between exception and error.
36)What is the difference between List, Set and Map. (*)
37)What is the difference between Observable and Observer.
38)What is the difference between Eventlistener and Eventadapter.
39)What is the difference between Classpath and Import.
40)What is the difference between Iterator and Enumeration.
41)What is the difference between Comparable and Comparator.
42)What is the difference between applet and application.
43)What is the difference between applet and swing.
44)What is the difference between HashMap and TreeMap. (*)
45)What is the difference between wait(), join(), sleep(), notify() & notifyall()
methods. (*)
46)What is the difference between Reader/Writer classes.
47)What is the difference between InputStream/Outputstream classes.
48)What is the difference between File and RandomFileAccess classes.
49)What is the difference between paint() and repaint() methods.
50)What is the difference between yielding and sleeping.
51)What is the difference between preemptive scheduling and time slicing.
52)What is the difference between static and non-static variables.
53)What is the difference between Delegation event model and Inheritance event
54)What are the various access modifiers in Java. Differences between them. (*)
55)What are the various ways of creating a thread. What is difference between
them. (*)
56)What are the various Collection classes available. (*)
57)What are the various layouts available. What is the difference between them.
58)Which Collection class is used for FIFO in Java.
59)Which Collection class is used for LIFO in Java.
60)When should i used notify() and notifyall() methods on threads.
61)Can the abstract class be final.
62)What is the command to know which version of java you are using.
63)Can we add Hashtable/HashMap to a vector.
64)How do you handle events in Java.
65)What is class loader.
66)What is the difference between function synchronization and object
67)What is the difference between .equals and ==
1)What is a transaction. (*)
2)What is the purpose of setAutoCommit(). (*)
3)What are the three statements in JDBC & differences between them. (*)
4)What is stored procedure. How do you create stored procedure. (*)
5)What are batch updates.
6)What is the difference between Resultset and Rowset.
7)What are the steps for connecting to the database using JDBC. (*)
8)What is Connection Pooling. (*)
9)How do you implement Connection Pooling. (*)
10)What Class.forName() method will do.
11)What is the difference between JDBC 1.0 and JDBC 2.0
1)What is JSP. (*)
2)What are advantages of JSP.
3)What is the difference between include directive & jsp:include action. (*)
4)What are Custom tags. Why do you need Custom tags. How do you create Custom
tag. (*)
5)What are the implicit objects in JSP & differences between them. (*)
6)What is jsp:usebean. What are the scope attributes & difference betw. these
7)What is difference between scriptlet and expression.
8)What is Declaration.
9)How do you connect to the database from JSP.
10)How do you call stored procedures from JSP.
11)How do you restrict page errors display in the JSP page.
12)How do you pass control from one JSP page to another.
1)What are Servlets.
2)What are the advantages of Servlet.
3)What is the Life cycle of Servlet. (*)
4)What is the difference between Servlet and JSP. (*)
5)What is the difference between doGet() and doPost() methods. (*)
6)What is Session Tracking. (*)
7)What are the various ways for achieving SessionTracking in Servlets. How do you
8)What is Requestdispatcher. (*)
9)What is the difference between include() and forward() methods. (*)
10)What is the difference betw. sendRedirect() & forward() method. (*)
11)What is filter. Why do we need filter.
12)What is HTTPSessionBindingListener and what are the methods available in it.
13)What is ServletContext.
14)How do you pass values from Servlet to a JSP. (*)
15)How do you pass values from HTML page to Servlet.
16)How do you pass control from one Servlet to other Servlet/JSP. (*)
17)What is the difference between Servlet and CGI.
18)How do you implement SingleThreadModel in Servlets.
19)What is the difference between HTTPServlet and GenericServlet.
20)How can i access a configuration or file(stored under WEB-INF) in a
web application.
EJB:- (All questions are important)
1)What is the difference between normal Java object and EJB.
2)What is the difference between JavaBean and EJB.
3)What is EJB.
4)What is Session Bean. What are the various types of Session Bean.
5)What is the difference between Stateful session bean and Stateless session bean.
6)What is the life cycle of Stateful session bean.
7)What is the life cycle of Stateless session bean.
8)What are the call back methods in Session bean.
9)When you will chose Stateful session bean and Stateless session bean.
10)What is Entity Bean. What are the various types of Entity Bean.
11)What is the difference between CMP and BMP.
12)What is the lifecycle of Entity Bean.
13)What are the call back methods in Entity bean.
14)When you will chose CMP and BMP.
15)What are advantages and disadvantages of CMP and BMP.
16)What is difference between EJB 1.1 and EJB 2.0
17)What is Message Driven Bean.
18)What is the life cycle of MDB.
19)What is local interface. How values will be passed.
20)What is the difference between local interface and remote interface.
21)What is EJB Query Language.
22)What is ACID.
23)What are the various isolation levels in a transaction and differences between
24)What are the various transaction attributes and differences between them.
25)What is the difference between activation and passivation.
26)What is Instance pooling.
27)What is EJB architecture(components).
28)What is the difference between HTTPSession and Stateful Session Bean.
29)How do you check whether the session is active in Stateful session bean.
30)What is the difference between find and select methods in EJB.
31)What are the optional clauses in EJB QL.
32)What is handle in EJB.
33)What is the difference between JNDI context, Initial context, session context and
ejb context.
34)What is the difference between sessioncontext and entitycontext.
35)What is the difference between EAR, JAR and WAR file.
36)What is deployment descriptor.
37)What is CMR.
38)What is the difference between CMP 1.1 and CMP 2.0
39)What is the difference between optimistic locking and pessimistic locking.
40)What is lazy loading.
41)What are the services provided by container.
42)How will you propagate exception thrown inside session bean to JSP or Servlet
43)If session has thrown ApplicaitonException would you use
EJBContext.setRollBackOnly method.
44)Is Decorator an EJB design pattern.
45)Why are ejbActivate() and ejb Passivate() included for stateless sessiob bean
even though they are never required as it is nonconversational bean.
46)If i throw a custom ApplicationException from a business method in Entity bean
which is participating in a transaction, would the transaction be rolled back by
container. Does container rolls back transaction only in case of SystemExceptions.
47)Can i map more than one table in a CMP.
48)How can i retrieve from inside my Bean(Stateless session and Entity CMP) the
user name which i am serving (the user name of user just logged in my web
49)What are simple rules that a Primary key class has to follow.
50)How is Stateful Session bean maintain their states with client.
51)Is it possible to invoke multiple Session beans from one Session bean using
52)With EJB 1.1 specs, why is unsetSessionContext() not provided in Session Beans,
like unsetEntityContext() in Entity Beans.
53)What is the difference between ejbStore() and ejbLoad().
54)If my session bean with single method insert record into 2 entity beans, how can
know that the process is done in same transaction (the attributes for these beans are
55)Is there a way to get the original exception object from inside a nested or
wrapped Exception (for example an EJBException or RemoteException).
56)Is it possible to share an HttpSession between a JSP and EJB. What happens
when I change a value in the HttpSession from inside an EJB.
57)What is clustering. What are the different algorithms used for clustering.
58)How to implement an entity bean which the PrimaryKey is an autonumeric.
59)How many EJB Objects are created for a Bean.
60)What is abstract schema.
61)What is the difference between ejbCreate() and ejbPostCreate().
62)What is re-entrant. Is session beans reentrant. Is entity beans reentrant.
63)Why does EJB needs two interfaces(Home and Remote Interface).
64)Is stateless Sessiob bean create() method contains any parameters.
65)Can I develop an Entity Bean without implementing the create() method in the
home interface.
66)Why an onMessage call in Message-driven bean is always a seperate transaction.
67)Does Stateful Session bean support instance pooling.
68)Can I invoke Runtime.gc() in an EJB.
69)Can a Session Bean be defined without ejbCreate() method.
1)What is the difference between SAX parser and DOM parser. (*)
2)What is the difference between Schema and DTD. (*)
3)How do you parse/validate the XML document. (*)
4)What is XML Namespace.
5)What is Xpath.
6)What is XML template.
7)How would you produce PDF output using XSL's.
8)What are the steps to transform XML into HTML using XSL.
9)What is XSL.
10)What is XSLT.
1)What is JMS.
2)What is the difference between queue and topic. (*)
3)What is the difference between Point to Point and Publish/Subscribe Messaging
Domains. (*)
4)What is Producer, Consumer.
5)What is the difference between Message producer and Message consumer.
Struts:- (All questions are important)
1)What is Struts.
2)What is the difference between Struts 1.0 and Struts 1.1
3)Explain Struts navigation flow.
4)What is the difference between ActionForm and DynaActionForm.
5)What is DispatchAction.
6)How to call ejb from Struts.
7)What are the various Struts tag libraries.
8)What is the difference between ActionErrors and ActionMessages.
9)How you will handle errors and exceptions using Struts.
10)How you will save the data across diff. pages for a particular client request using
11)What we will define in Struts-config.xml file. And explain their purpose.
12)What is the purpose of tiles-def.xml file, file,
validation.xml file.
13)What is Action Class. What are the methods in Action class.
14)Explain about token feature in Struts.
Websphere and Weblogic:- (All questions are important)
1)What are the steps for deploying servlets and EJB's in Weblogic.
2)What are the steps for deploying servlets and EJB's in Websphere.
3)What is Hot Deployment in Weblogic.
4)How do you implement connection pooling in Websphere.
5)How do you implement connection pooling in Weblogic.
1)What is the stored procedure. How do you create stored procedure. (*)
2)What is difference between Outerjoin and Innerjoin. (*)
3)What is bind variable. What is the use of it.(*)
4)What are triggers.
5)What is the difference between function and procedure. (*)
6)What is database schema. How do you create schema. (*)
7)What is cursor.
8)What is package.
1)What is J2EE.
2)What are the tiers in J2EE architecture. (*)
3)What are the modules in a J2EE application. (*)
4)What are the different XML files used in J2EE.
Design Patterns:-
1)What is Design pattern.
2)What is Singleton pattern. Example. (*)
3)What is Value Object pattern. (*)
4)What is MVC. (*)
5)What is Session facade pattern. (*)
6)What is Business delegate apttern.
7)What is Data access object pattern.
8)What is decorator pattern.
9)What is Factory pattern. (*)
10)What is Service Locator pattern.
1)What is polymorphism. (*)
2)What is inheritance. (*)
3)What is encapsulation.
4)What is abstraction.
UML and Rational Rose:
1)What is UML. (*)
2)What is difference between aggregation and composition. (*)
3)What is association. (*)
4)What is generalization.
5)What are the various UML diagrams.
6)What is the difference between class diagram & sequence diagram. (*)
7)How do you differentiate(in terms of symbolic representation) public, private and
protected variables in UML diagram. (*)
1)What is RUP. (*)
2)What is a Usecase.
3)What are the various phases in RUP. Explain each phase. (*)
1)What is XP.
2)What is the difference between XP and RUP.
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